Some manufacturers and individuals confuse the publicity and counterfeit our products for false transaction, seriously damaged the interests of the consumers, but also caused great market disruption. Recently, our company has received many requests from customers to help them make sure whether the products they bought are genuine or not. Here, we issue this statement to remind the consumers to pay attention to the anti-counterfeiting traceability of legitimate products and correct identification methods.
Brand identification element---please identify the logo of SmartGen products.
Please pay attention to the discontinuation information, for instance, the original HGM6100U series were off production, the HGM6100N series are being on sale instead.
At present, we adopt bar code as the unique identification of each product.
The PCB board and shell are clearly marked.
If you have any questions about the authenticity of the product, please call our local office or the national service phone number to confirm.
The web site and contact number of SmartGen are as follows:
Tel: 0086-371-67988888/67981888/67992951
For any working unit or individual that carry out business activities in the name of "SmartGen", we will reserve the right to take further legal action!
Hereby declare!